Thursday, January 29, 2009


Overall, I liked the film. What I liked the most was the music. The music combined with the quality of the black and white film created a morbid atmosphere, especially the deep humming when the cloaked figure appeared. What I also thought was interesting was at first we only see the silloette of the woman which made her seem in control of the her world up until the cloaked figure appeared. When her fear or emotions start to show the shift of control/power goes to the cloaked figure. I thought this was an interesting method of showing the shift of control.


For my film, I will portray time by showing the progression of an artist's art style. The individual will be headed towards a destination and throughout this journey, the individual will be turning into animations of his or her past styles up to the most recent, showing the progression of time.

My next concept will explore the killing of time. My theory is that one can manipulate time based on his or her emotions and actions such as daydreaming. Or does time control us in instances when one overworks their self to meet deadlines. What is time other than the system hunanity uses to maintain functioning.

Ideas for TIME Project

-showing progression/development of artist's style using: 
performance art
stop motion-character is trying to get to destination. as person is going to destination, he/she changes into diff phases of his/her style(art) in the progression of its development. 

-portray the killing of time
Theory: time can be manipulated based on our emotions & how much we do or don't know,or does it control us and how?
(about how much time is left), (concerns about meeting deadlines vs having nothing to do), (rushing vs taking your time)
tie other brainstorms into this
killing time(making self feel like time is passing faster) by daydreaming

- by breaking down reality
(what is time's connection w/ reality?) Time exists diff in imagination vs reality?
time's connection is control. (everyday use of time time as 3:00, pm, am, is what we established to maintain functioning.) So, time existed before us or started when documentation did.

-Do something with black holes or possible circumstances after being sucked into one?
black holes connection w/ time

-contrast btw youth adult (when younger, time seems to go by slower/ older time seems to go by faster)
portrayed: youth shot w/slower frame rate & older age shot with faster frame rate

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Critique Write Up

I did not use any special materials for this project. My goal is to show a side of myself that I do not usually show to unfamiliar people. Through this assignment I wanted to loosen up and get comfortable with being on the camera. I have made pervious attempts but I was not satisfied with  most of them. One of them was just strange. Part of why I may be a little tense is because I sometimes censor myself. I wore a shirt that said please don't interrupt me while ignoring you to play off the idea of being in a public area and not caring about who's witnessing me in the strange behavior.

Quiz 01

Mise en scene is everything that is put in the scene inlcuding setting, decor, lighting, costumes, and performance.
A scene is a particular segment of a film, taking place in one time and place. A shot is a single stream of images uninterrupted by editing.
Editing is putting together clips of film into one filmstrip. Three techniques of editing are dissolving, elliptical editing, and continuity editing. 

Monday, January 26, 2009


I recorded myself repeating my four words while making random facial expressions and poses. I then copied and pasted different parts of the film to give it a sparatic,trippy effect. I've always been told that I look angry or troubled. In this film I wanted to show sides of myself contrary to those assumtions.
I was nervous throughout the entire process. On my previous recordings I was too tense, so I kept recording until I was satisfied. One of my biggest challenges is going to be loosening up on the camera. In some instances, I forgot to look into the camera. Another problem I'm dealing with is over thinking my ideas. I'd find myself spending too much time thinking about what to say and begin wasting time.
For future experiemnts I should consider manipulating the environments, to create different moods and atmospheres. Also, recording fron different perspectives adds interest.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


I'm day dreaming in class about day dreaming in the shower about piloting a gundam sniping people from space like SNIPE!



1/22/09 Ramdon Class Typing

 I/m sitting here in this classroom and I'm like man, this is the last class before I go home. Maybe I should make this interesing by day dreaming or something. Aiight. It'll be crazy if someone took a shower and pretended they were in a gundam cockpit, or if I had a Gundam that can snipe people from space. I would snipe people in space while they are taking craps. That's funny. What if I sniped someone from space, and they had tissue paper stuck in their butt.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

List of Concepts and Links to Inspiration

-vidoe games/arcades
-slice of life{ordinary people getting into random situations}
-old school/underground hip hop

Links to Inspiration:

Comments on Inauguration

Watching the inauguration was inspiring because everyone of all races seemed united.It was amazing to see people of all races inspired by a black president. Not that this event is all about race. After all, Barrack Obama spoke as an American in all of his speeches and never referred to his ethnic background to separate himself or any race from another. This inauguration reflects how much race relations have improved and are continuing to improve in the US. I feel that the big picture is the influence Obama has on the world and the potential for positive changes.
Excuse my next comments. I know they are retarded. As Barrack Obama was speaking I noticed that his lining was slightly off. One of his side burns was pointed and the other was squared. Also, he stumbled in his words a little during the inauguration. Its not a big deal, but its just that I've never seen him do that before. I'm sure he had a lot of pressure on him. I would've been nervous too.